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 Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread

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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 29 Sep 2008, 5:24 am

The place: London.
The time: Beyond the timestream, roughly 1889. We start exactly six months after the grand opening of Gustave Eiffel's masterpiece, one week after the founding of the Nintendo playing card company of Japan.

It's a beautiful day. Nothing really world-shattering is scheduled, only the return of HMAS Indomitable from the partially successful Coprates Chasma expedition.

Off you go!
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 29 Sep 2008, 10:17 am

In one of her few visits to London, Ms Ambrose has spent the morning checking in with her accountants and investment advisers, buying some shares in the new Nintendo Company, her first investment in Japan. She is now in Covent gardens where she is having a quite tea and relaxing before perusing this year’s fashion. Simwell has just met her after procuring some luxuries for the household stores.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 16
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-09-04

Character Document
Name: Mr. Thaddeus James
Occupation: Weaponsmith, Blacksmith
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeTue 30 Sep 2008, 12:37 am

After waking near sunrise Mr. James treated himself to a cup of tea and worked on a customer's long rifle until lunch. Much cursing was heard from the shop. After taking a break for tea and some midday meal, he finished the long rifle, with the addition of an optical scope, much like a telescope at the royal academy of science.
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeTue 30 Sep 2008, 8:31 am

What a wonderful day! After a round journey of about a year, Mr. Throckmorton was delighted at the notion of breathing Earth air again. Recycled air is all fine and good, but after being breathed by people for a few months, it starts to take on a most peculiar smell. You get used to it eventually, but you still long for really fresh air. Not to mention the Martian envelope, which is only marginally breathable. Really thin, like in the Himalayas.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey
T.Taylor The Third

Number of posts : 21
Age : 34
Location : usa
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Registration date : 2008-09-10

Character Document
Name: Thomas W. TAylor III
Occupation: Assassin, thief, inventor,
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeTue 30 Sep 2008, 4:46 pm

Thomas was waiting. On a roof top overlooking the docks he lie in wait for
a Mister Throckmorton, he looked at the picture provided again.
He did not know why his client wanted the man dead, and he did not need to know. He aimed at the dock as a ship came in to port.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2008-09-21

Character Document
Name: Hazel silvernib
Occupation: Spinner,knitter/Detective
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeTue 30 Sep 2008, 11:50 pm

Hazel was in the librery on seventh street sleeping on a stack of books,she had worked all night on a mystery of a strang death but could find nothing.
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeWed 01 Oct 2008, 6:04 am

Justin thought about the current situation. He had left in quite a hurry back then and left a few people quite upset. Maybe it was best when he took a few precautions. Somebody could still try and mess with Justin Throckmorton!

After a few words with the captain, Justin packed up his stuff, bade farewell to the crew of the Indomitable and left the ship - about a mile outside of London, with his trusty ornithopter.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey
T.Taylor The Third

Number of posts : 21
Age : 34
Location : usa
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-09-10

Character Document
Name: Thomas W. TAylor III
Occupation: Assassin, thief, inventor,
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeWed 01 Oct 2008, 7:03 am

The Ship docked and Thomas made ready his gun. A stream of people came out but, try as he might, he could not find the face he was seeking.
"Hu......I wonder where he is." he thought” I can’t stay here much longer, someone might get suspicious. But I hate to lose this hit."
After a half hour longer he shook his head in frustration and began packing up his things.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeWed 01 Oct 2008, 7:58 pm

After a short but fruitful meander in the most fashionable quarters, Viola caught a hansom to the dock to check out the Indomitable, if she was going to invest in this modern transportation methods, she wanted to see what it was all about...
A quick wave of girlie excitement managed to get her a tour of the craft, and it was during this tour, she spotted a man on the warehouse roofs, a quick look through the observation rooms binoculars and she realised this man was up to no good, this was quickly pointed out to the Captain, who immediately contacted the port authorities.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey
T.Taylor The Third

Number of posts : 21
Age : 34
Location : usa
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-09-10

Character Document
Name: Thomas W. TAylor III
Occupation: Assassin, thief, inventor,
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeThu 02 Oct 2008, 12:03 am

Thomas was just finishing packing his his specially constructed rifle, plasing its components into the side bag he wore for such things, when he noticed a large group of port officals starting up the ladder he had used to gain the roof..
He grined and fingerd the teleporters controles clipped on his belt. He loved to show off his inventions,
So he unclipped the activation butten and held it waiting for the law men to gain the roof.

A few seconds later the police had sorounded him and, aiming their weapons at him told him to raise his hands. He did so. one of the police men noticed the wires trailing from his hand to his belt, and tryed to give warning, but not in time.

"Well gentlemen its been fun, but I've got to be going." with that Thomas pushed the butten and vanished.*

He reapperd a block away in an alley. he immediutly removed his teleporter and vest. he flipped the vest inside out to reviel it was reversable, brown on one side, crimson on the other. He swithched to the crimson side. he pulled a cloth cover for his back pack out of his side bag. slipping it over the teleporter and puting it once again. he pulled his bowler from the side bag and with it in place went out of the alley and down the street. confadint in the knolodge that the police would be looking for a man of some what differant apperances.

* is that fine? or should i have done somthing else to escape or rolled the dice or whatever?
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeThu 02 Oct 2008, 12:35 am

**Quite all right there, just needs some repairs after each jump, I think.

Oh, and you should run that last post through a spellcheck. Word does fine.

Last edited by elShoggotho on Thu 02 Oct 2008, 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
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Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeThu 02 Oct 2008, 12:43 am

After taking a little round trip, Justin landed his ornithopter a bit off the main docks, but still close enough to gather a small crowd. He still was a bit of a showoff, even if it put him at risk.

After a semi-graceful landing (littering the place with cogs and gears; that ornithopter won't fly again without major repairs) Mr. Throckmorton looked around to find a cab.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 16
Location : Wisconsin, USA
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Registration date : 2008-09-04

Character Document
Name: Mr. Thaddeus James
Occupation: Weaponsmith, Blacksmith
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeSat 04 Oct 2008, 12:55 am

Thaddeus James delicately placed the rifle in a oak case lined with red velvet. Beautiful. Mr. James threw on his coat and put his hat on. He slid his hammer into his belt and covered it with his coat, never knew when you would need something heavy. He tucked the oak case under his arm and stepped out onto the street, quickly tucking himself against the wall to avoid a speeding Autocarriage. Now to make it to the docks to pick up a parcel.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 10:42 am

Watching the events on the roof top enfold, I see the miscreant disappear, flaunting his ability to do so, from our high vantage point we scanned the area, and Simwell spotted him leaving the scene.

As the fervour died down, the captain finished our tour and invited me to the formal reception dinner for the Indomitable’s return. I accepted, and was just leaving when we noticed a crowd beginning to gather.

We observed a flying contraption that seemed to be trying to land and after what appeared to be a fairly hard landing. Tthe pilot picked himself up and brushed himself down, he appeared to be in his mid-thirties and not that unattractive in a rugged sort of way.

Simwell introduced her “Excuse me Sir, This Lady’s name is Ms Viola Ambrose and she is very interested in your flying contraption thingy””
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 1:54 pm

"This hunk of junk?", Mr. Throckmorton replied bemusedly. "It wasn't built for Earth's gravity. Could have done way better without battle damage too. But I forget my manners. Justin Throckmorton's the name. Professor Justin Throckmorton, lately of the Coprates Chasma expedition. Delighted to make your acquaintance, Ms. Ambrose.

Care to join me for a ride?" With that last words, Justin strode over and whistled for a cab.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 2:45 pm

“Well thank you Mr Throckmorton, I have lodgings at the Grand, where I really must return. The captain of the indomitable has invited me to the formal dinner in his honour at the Admiralty tonight. I have a pass for myself and a friend, would you be intrested”, as we walk over to find a cab, Simwell follows with the bags. "While we ride please tell me more about your adventures?"
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 5:58 pm

"What a wonderful coincidence!", justin replied while loading his baggage. "I thought it might be a chore to visit the Captain's dinner, but that notion just made it a tad more enjoyable. I traveled aboard the Indomitable, you know. She's a wonderful ship, but after a few months, it gets tedious to breathe air that has been breathed thousands of times, to drink water that has been purified far more often than I care to remember.

Well, for the expedition itself, it was a stunning success. We were able to find overwhelming evidence reinforcing some theories regarding our world's distant past. Then we were attacked..."

After finishing the packing, Justin opened the cab door. "After you, milady", he said, bowing slightly.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey
T.Taylor The Third

Number of posts : 21
Age : 34
Location : usa
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Registration date : 2008-09-10

Character Document
Name: Thomas W. TAylor III
Occupation: Assassin, thief, inventor,
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeMon 06 Oct 2008, 6:25 pm

Thomas hear a commotion at the dock and, after walking to the side opposite his little encounter, went to investigate.

He came upon a scene of destruction.
He rather enjoyed it.
An ornithopter lay smoldering on the ground, gears and drive shafts sprawled out at least 50 feet behind it. A man climbed out of the cockpit, and brushed himself off. Thomas was shocked to see it was his target,
"I may still get him yet" he thought, and began puzzling as to how to complete the job, "hmm, sniping is my favorite way but a direct confrontation ending with a shotgun blast to the head is also quite enjoyable." As he was thinking of the different ways to kill a man, a lady walked up to his target and engaged him in conversation, after a few moments the two and what seemed to be an attendant of the lady hailed a cab, and prepared to leave. "I shall need transportation to follow them" he noticed a monowheel leaned against a wall, obviously it belonged to someone examining the crashed ornithopter. "That’ll work, though I haven't ridden a monowheel in ages....ah well once you learn you never forget, so they say"

He then proceded to take the monowheel, and follow after the cab.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 10
Age : 34
Location : usa
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-09-21

Character Document
Name: Hazel silvernib
Occupation: Spinner,knitter/Detective
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeThu 09 Oct 2008, 12:04 am

Hazel was in a cab on her way to a formal dinner in honer of a friends fathers younger brother.
She was looking out the window when a strang sight went past;a young man with Brown hair on a
monowheel tailing a cab."you don't se that every day" she said
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 16
Location : Wisconsin, USA
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-09-04

Character Document
Name: Mr. Thaddeus James
Occupation: Weaponsmith, Blacksmith
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeFri 10 Oct 2008, 4:53 am

Thaddeus stepped out of onto a new street, yet again nearly being hit, this time by a cab, then a monowheel.
"Does no one know how to drive anymore?"
Mr. James decided to hurry his pace a bit, considering those vehicles were heading in the same direction as his intended path of travel and that he didn't wish for his package to be misplaced, melted, dropped, or put back on the dirigible and sent back to the Orient.
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeFri 10 Oct 2008, 1:56 pm

Even though he was engaged in an enchanting conversation with a lovely lady, Justin still noticed the unusual noise that pervaded the atmosphere. An internal combustion engine, a small one, and nearby for a stretch of time. Chances were... yes. A quick look out of the window with his pocket periscope confirmed his suspicions. Someone was tailing them with a monowheel.

"Excuse me, milady, but it seems like someone is following us. Do you mind if we stop and confront him?"
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
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Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeFri 10 Oct 2008, 8:06 pm

Intrigued, but cautious, she uses her compact to catch a glimpse of the tag-along, she recognises him as the man she saw disappear from the roof top , and then latter changed his clothes in an nearby alley.
“That gentleman was on the roof tops at the docks earlier, before you arrived”, Suspect
“The Captain of the Indomitable called the authorities on him”. “He then somehow managed to escape them”, Exclamation
“Could it have been you he was waiting for??”, “If so there may be considerable danger, are you sure you wish to do this?”Question
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

Number of posts : 112
Age : 46
Location : Berlin, Germany
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 2008-08-29

Character Document
Name: Prof. Justin Throckmorton, Esq.
Occupation: Gentleman Æthernaut
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeSat 11 Oct 2008, 4:40 am

"I've been on the run long enough!", Justin exclaimed. "The Coprates Chasma expedition was a convenient way to escape the attention of... but I digress. As long as we're in a public area, with people watching, he won't dare to try anything. Even if he tried, there's still my trusty six-shooter. DRIVER! Take us to the Crystal Palace!"
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

Number of posts : 45
Location : Yorkshire, England
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Registration date : 2008-08-30

Character Document
Name: Ms Viola Ambrose
Occupation: Dilettante and Adventuress
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeSat 11 Oct 2008, 2:34 pm

“I see, well so be it”
“Well I had been meaning to see the Crystal Palace at some point”
“Thou I must also warn you, he does seem to be able to displace, I believe that’s the right word, himself over short distances”
Simwell, acting on an unspoken command, loads my husband’s revolver.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey
T.Taylor The Third

Number of posts : 21
Age : 34
Location : usa
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Registration date : 2008-09-10

Character Document
Name: Thomas W. TAylor III
Occupation: Assassin, thief, inventor,
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PostSubject: Re: Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread   Juggernauts of the Skies - Game Thread Icon_minitimeWed 15 Oct 2008, 7:32 pm

Thomas followed the cab past the English Branch of the Miskatonic University. they continued on and thomas was just wondering were they were going, when the cab pulled up before The Crystal Palace. Thomas quickly let down the three brake wheels, one in front two on the sides, And jumped out of the wheel. he then booked it around the corner.
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