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 SCIENCE! So what is it?

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Jacob Cook
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PostSubject: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 12:47 am

Everyone knows the mad scientist trope of SCIENCE! So what is SCIENCE! for you? In what relationship does it stand with actual scientific knowledge? What else is it? DIS-CUSS! DIS-CUSS! DIS-CUUUUUSS!!!!!
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Jacob Cook

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 6:22 am

For me, SCIENCE! is what is now called "pseudo-science." Things like phrenology (my apologies to you phrenologists), Flat Earth theories, cryptozoology, Snake Oil medicine shows, alchemy, cabinets of curiosities...the list goes on. Each thing is based on the odd, inane, crock, and whimsical.

Perhaps I'm missing the grand picture of the "mad scientist," but those are the sort of things that I'm into --- oh, and Tesla, of course.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 02 Sep 2008, 2:50 am

Maybe a plug for Book of the SubGenius is called for?
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 02 Sep 2008, 8:33 am

I agree thoroughly with Mr. Cook! Especially the snake oil, alchemy and cabinets of curiosities. How I do enjoy cabinets of curiosities!

SCIENCE! To me is also anything I have to break to figure out how it works. Clocks, tea kettles, and internets.

-Dr. J.M. Renfield (Doctor of Breaking Things, Obviously.)
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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 5:55 pm

SCIENCE! Is science pursued by the talented layman.
The natural laws of physics of chemistry and of biology discovered and understood through base reason and study of their direct application rather than the study of books.
SCIENCE! is a matter of trial and error, the madcap and eccentric explorers on the shores of laydom or even, in the case of a rare few, the furthest shores of science itself. Taking real science to new and exciting places with no means to navigate other than gut instinct.
This is SCIENCE!
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 10:25 pm

Science is the art of documenting failure, most great inventions don’t come from “Eureka”, but “ That’s odd”, I’m quoting someone but I have no idea who, sorry,
It’s the art of proving which things don’t work, you will experiment till you get it right, then you know one way of doing something right, and many ways of not doing it..
As for science in steam punk, I agree it is what is now know as pseudo science, those subjects that people, have been orphaned and lost favour,
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 10:43 pm

For me, SCIENCE! is taking shortcuts in scientific experimentation, with heightened risk of catastrophic failure, including more explosions and zombocalypses than usual. Also more fun.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Sep 2008, 9:26 am

SCIENCE! So what is it? L_bf6f30b5ec71780f5e0b0147f220bb4a

That is SCIENCE!

Especially fun SCIENCE! nonetheless.

SCIENCE! is a way for me to have fun, while still attending school. And any accidents can no longer be blamed on me either.
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Master Gearmancer
Master Gearmancer

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Sep 2008, 2:23 pm

In SCIENCE!, there are no failures. Explosions occur JUST AS PLANNED, even if they were not.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Sep 2008, 4:06 am

elShoggotho wrote:
In SCIENCE!, there are no failures. Explosions occur JUST AS PLANNED, even if they were not.

That is highly agreeable. There is always a chance something might blow up. Even if it's just a piece of paper with a drawing of a new contraption.
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Sep 2008, 3:35 pm

Quote :
That is highly agreeable. There is always a chance something might blow up. Even if it's just a piece of paper with a drawing of a new contraption
Wow, if even your diagrams are explosive, I hate to see what the actual devises do when they explode.

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 30 Sep 2008, 3:30 am

SCIENCE is the art of happening to make useful discoveries while intending to simply enjoy a lot of explosions.

Hm...My chemistry professor certainly believed this was the truth of SCIENCE!!!!

Oh..and the re-construction of a mutilated fae by means of loads of gears and steam valves and clockwork wings.
And the subsequent transference of said fae's aetheric being(soul)to a large doll body upon the failure of the reconstructed one.
(Much thanks Sir Shoggoth)
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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeThu 09 Oct 2008, 2:02 pm

I've been known to exclaim: "SCIENCE!" while discovering, or telling others about the discovery of how something works.

While I somewhat agree with the general sentiment expressed here that SCIENCE! is a reckless, or simply cool experiment (or explosion,) I would add another dimension to that. For me, what more closely embodies the spirit of SCIENCE! is to take your knowledge, and do something ridiculously useful, or ridiculously awesome with it, preferably both.

KinoOmega's graphic, reminded me of a example of this "pure awesome" I once heard. Supposedly, back in wilder times of SCIENCE! Ted Taylor, a nuclear physicist, used the reflected thermal pulse of a nuclear blast to light a cigarette at one of the atomic bomb tests.

Not particularly useful, but you have to admit... awesome.
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T.Taylor The Third
Grease Monkey
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T.Taylor The Third

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeThu 09 Oct 2008, 4:23 pm

hmmmm ted taylor? I wonder if im related.

My youth paster works at oak ridge, that is, the place the nuclear bomb was developed, and once me and my friends were talk about rayguns an why we dont have real ones yet, so we asked him and he refused to me, that totaly means the goverment is building rayguns. thats science

Last edited by T.Taylor The Third on Thu 09 Oct 2008, 4:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding more)
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeSat 11 Oct 2008, 3:15 pm

" Your Right", just asked a MOD official if the have the Hamster Turbine genarator factory online yet Shocked , they refused to comment, so it must be true
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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jun 2009, 8:10 pm

I present this brilliant peice from XKCD:

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeTue 16 Jun 2009, 11:45 pm

Hah ! jolly good show !
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2009, 1:47 am

Science is asking "why does that work" and then taking it apart to find out. I have done so on many occasions...and had to clean up the mess afterwards. It's also asking "I wonder what would happen if...", which can have disastrous results.
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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2009, 1:51 am

Athena wrote:
Science is asking "why does that work" and then taking it apart to find out.

Engineering is smacking the fools upside the head and figuring out how to put it back together again. Razz
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Grease Monkey
Grease Monkey

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PostSubject: Re: SCIENCE! So what is it?   SCIENCE! So what is it? Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jun 2009, 8:07 pm

I know. Been there, done that. tongue
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